5 New Year’s Resolutions

Resolution #1
Partake in More Exercise
In order for correct weight maintenance, or indeed to shed a few of those pounds gained through all those Christmas doggie treats, an increase in activity is sometimes necessary.
Regular walks at varying speeds all the way up to a run is a great cost-effective way to achieve your weight goals not only for your dog but also maybe for yourself. You can bond with your canine friend and work towards achieving weight loss or maintenance together.
Resolution #2
Schedule a Regular Checkup at Your Veterinarians
Regular checkups are of great importance for your dog and should be carried out at least once a year in order for early detection and treatment of any ailments or potential problems health wise.
Resolution #3
Always Measure Your Pet’s Food
Humans and canines alike can be prone to a gradual creep upwards in body weight, in particular at this time of year, and also just generally over time. 54% of dogs are classified as overweight currently in the US which is a huge health and welfare concern for our beloved pets.
Accurate measurement of your dog’s foods is a preventative measure to stop overfeeding. Read carefully the instructions on your dog’s food and accurately measure your pet’s daily allowance.
Resolution #4
Clear Out Old Toys
Out with the old and in with the new! It’s time to get rid of those nasty old germ ridden toys that are cluttering up your dogs living space. Have a good clear out, treat your best friend to something new and fun creating a new level of stimulation for your pup.
Resolution #5
Treat Your Dog to a New Bed
Not only for humans is sleep of paramount importance for wellbeing. A key factor in the quality of the sleep we receive and for our dogs is the quality of bed we choose to rest ourselves upon.
Your dog is likely to spend even more time than you resting therefore it is well worth to invest in a new, quality bed for your dog.
Particularly for dogs that are aged or suffering from arthritic condition, orthopedic beds are now available. Not all of these beds are however made equal The material quality and construction method varies greatly. Bobby beds are specifically engineered to allow the best levels of comfort & are rigorously tested. These tests ensure that not only is the bed supremely comfortable for all dogs of all physical condition, but the usability and durability factor is also there. A plush warm bed is also ideal for the winter months so, browse too, our premium quality winter covers.