Dog Anxiety Moving to New Home - Some Effective Coping Strategies

Moving with a Dog to a New Place to Live
Most dogs take moving home in their stride, but some struggle with the change of routine, surroundings, and people.
Dogs thrive upon routine and moving may throw up many potential changes to this. Getting used to new family members or pets can be unsettling.
Preparing the Dog for a Move
One good technique for preparation for moving to a new house or apartment is to solidify your dog's existing routine. In terms of playtime mealtime bedtime, walks, etc.
Really compound the schedule until it is quite regimented, this way it will be easier to transition the dog over to a new house or flat.
If in your current house your dog does not have their own specific place to eat or own bed for example it may be beneficial to establish this prior to moving.
In terms of boxes from packing etc, it may well be beneficial to keep these out of view of your dog for as long as it is possible.
Ensure to pack your dog things last so that their environment remains as unchanged as possible for as long as is possible.
If you become too busy with packing etc to give your dog the attention they are used to or need, then it may be beneficial to allow a close family member or friend to look after them whilst the move progresses.
Taking these steps will reduce the anxiety involved with moving for your dog.
Indeed if you do have the time you can desensitize your dog to the disruption in the household by providing a few favorite treats or toys during play times.
Be wary when packing to keep your pet dog in a safe confined space so as to avoid accidents, anxiety, or escape.
An introduction for your dog to the new home
Preferably prior to moving day you can take your dog and show them around the home with a reassuring tone of voice and using treats and toys.
Introduce key areas for them such as the feeding area and show your dog their new sleeping area for the first time.
As this will be a time of upheaval for your dog you should create a safe haven for your dog show them their new setup and perhaps try using a calming dog bed.
These beds will help to combat any anxiety that your dog might build up during the moving period.
Anxiety typically builds up during the day and can result in a stressed dog not being able to settle at night.
The calming dog beds that are now available can work to relieve this stress by working to mimic their doggy mom's fur from the time they were a pup.
This comforts and reassures your pet.
As too does the clever donut shape into which they can burrow and feel an enclosed safe feeling. Also, give your dog his familiar favorite toys and place them in his domain.
Younger dogs or anxious dogs may try being destructive or perhaps inappropriately urinate for instance, it is therefore important that you take the time to walk them around encouraging positive behavior and deter undesirable behaviors.
Whilst you unpack in your new house you should make sure to restrict your dog to rooms that are already set up.
If you want your dog to be present with you in an unpacking room then you should make sure your dog is stimulated with favorite toys or treats.
On moving day it is better to have a friend or family member look after your dog so that they are out of the way of loud noise and anxiety-inducing commotion.
Roughly how long until my dog settles?
This is not always easy to answer and depends very much on the degree that their routine has changed from one home to another home.
The first time your dog is left alone in your new house make sure to do so at times when they naturally rest, sleep, or quietly play.
This way you will minimize any chance of separation anxiety from you or family members.
Encourage your dog in your new home with toys or treats to reinforce positive behavior of being inquisitive of their new area or calm.
All in all, it generally takes most dogs a good few days to start settling into a new place.
Your dog may take longer if they have a nervous disposition and take weeks to adjust. Just compound the routines that you had set up and put in place in your old home.
New people or pets, how should I introduce them safely?
Introductions to new people or pets are better to take place in a neutral area, take your dog to a familiar park or somewhere they are used to and feel at ease.
Keep dogs on the leash to ensure they are safe. These introductions will go more smoothly for an already well-socialized dog.
Again during the introductions, the use of treats and familiar toys will work to put your dog at ease. If a dog becomes aggressive more time, effort and training may be required in the introduction.
Work to associate all that is positive in your dog's day with the new family members.
Go on a long walk together as an example, is a good way to alleviate the anxiety that may be felt towards new people, pets or places.
Will difficulty arise from other pets being present in my new house?
The move into your new house with new pets being present may take a while to get your dog used to.
This will depend on how familiar your dog is with the other type of pet in the new household.
Their historic reaction to other types of pets will also come in to play.
To remain safe for all pets the animals should be separated or crated when left alone during the initial stages of orientation.
Moving house with a dog
You may become yourself worried at the time of moving. It is a stressful time for humans and pets alike!
Make sure not to show your worry too much in the presence of your pet as they pick up on this very well and it can be an impetus for their own anxiety.
You should give your dog plenty of reassurance and attention during the move and right after.
You should also think practically at this very busy time. Ensure your dog ID tag information is up to date prior to the move and registered with the new address.
This is a good precaution to take as moving with a dog can make them very anxious and with this anxiety, your dog might attempt to escape.
Given this, you should also always check the perimeter of a new garden to make sure it is secure before letting your dog freely roam outside your house on their own.
You can help your dog to get used to your new place by making sure to accompany them as much as possible when you allow them to explore.
Letting the dog adjust slowly and carefully will give you the best chance of minimizing any potential stress.
For other times, initially keep them restricted to their new area within your new house.
This is a safety precaution, but also you want to be there when they explore things initially.
As aforementioned a dog suffering from anxiety will benefit tremendously from you just being there as a guide, reaffirming that they are okay with treats and toys.
An anxious dog may become destructive or urinate around the new house if alone during or after the move.
Keep your dogs in a positive frame of mind in the event of this, by not yelling and compounding that they had something to be fearful of in the first place.
Final Thoughts on This Issue of Moving House with Your Pet Dog
Anxiety manifests itself building up throughout the day so in these stressful times of moving day, and the introduction and orientation of your dog into your new home can take its toll.
Moving to a new place can lead to dogs not being able to settle at times when they are supposed to rest, wind down and get restorative sleep.
For this reason, as previously mentioned help your dog with the investment in a comfy calming dog bed makes sense to take the edge off of anxiety associated with moving.
Any slight change in routine is difficult for dogs, therefore the move to a new home can be a particularly difficult time.
Moving with your dog doesn't need to be stressful but it mgiht be and so being prepared is a great idea.
Particularly for those dogs that already experience anxiety anyway. Incorporating as many familiar things as possible into the house is a good way to help your dog in the transition period.
Familiar toys, blankets, and alike will make them feel immediately more at home.
Moving into a new home is generally an exciting time in most instances for humans. It can be a positive experience in the long run.
Moving day is stressful, moving, in general, is tiring, but you must ensure to keep up on your dog's exercise program.
You will have a new area to explore together as you take your dog for walks and the exercise will keep your dog on a level in terms of brain chemical balance.
A tired dog settles easier as they have not so much nervous energy.
Thoroughly prepare for moving day by having a solid routine in place, transition this to your new home.
Moving house this way will be far easier as things carried out at the same regular intervals keep your dog grounded.
Get your dog familiarized with new pets and people prior to moving to the new home.
Things will go much smoother this way! Remember your dog like most dogs is going to be sensitive to a move to a new house.
Praise reward and encourage them every step of the way.
Your new home would not be complete without your dog so it is always worth the additional effort during the moving process to get them used to things.
Ok, so we hope that you found this short blog post dealing the problem of dog anxiety moving to new home stress levels.
As you will already know very well, for us dog lovers our pets are part of the family, its not just your home being changed it is theirs as well.
So it is really important to do everything we can to make the move as stress-free and easy as we possibly can.
That is all that we have for this article about moving with your dog to a new home.
We really hope that it helps you as a dog parent to better care for your pup during this transition.
Thanks for taking the time to visit out blog and read the post!
If you want top carry on reading feel free to check out this post about how to relieve stress in dogs or this one looking at how to help a dog that is anxious at night.